6 Institutional Database Links

National Museum of Japanese History
- General Catalogue Database
- Medieval-Monjo Database
- Modern times and modern-Monjo Data Base
- Collection of Japanese Musical Instruments: Heirloom of Kishu-Tokugawa Family
- Weapons and Arms Database
- Weapons and Arms Database (Bibliography)
- Nishikie Database
- Futokoroni-Tamaru-Morokuzu Database (Scrapbooks of Comic Storyteller)
- The Nomura Collection: Costumes and Accessories in Japan Database
- Carved Papers for Dyework Database
- Archaeological object of Jomon period Database
- Japanese Traditional Accessories Database
- The Takamatsunomiya Collection: Texrt and Documents Database
- Kaneaki-kyo-ki, or Diary of Hirohashi-Kaneaki(15C) Data Base
- REKIHAKU Library Catalogue Database
- Manors in Japan Database
- Manors-in-Japan Bibliography Database
- Bibliography of Democratic Rights Movement Database
- Munafuda Database
- Ancient and Medieval Urban Life (Prices) Database
- A Database of Edo Merchants and Artisans
- Medieval Notice Board Database (Notice Boards)
- Medieval Notice Board Database (Bibliography)
- Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Towns)
- Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Bibliography)
- Excavation Sites of Trade Ceramics in Japan (Excavations)
- Excavation Sites of Trade Ceramics in Japan (Bibliography)
- Jomon Period Clay Figurines Database(Dogu Database)
- Ceramics Kiln Site of Early Modern Age Database
- Bibliography of Ceramics of pre-modern Age Database
- Japanese medieval Castle and Castletown Data Base (Excavations)
- Japanese medieval Castle and Castletown Data Base (Bibliography)
- The composition of the stone instruments in the Yayoi period Data Base(Excavations)
- The composition of the stone instruments in the Yayoi period Data Base(Figures)
- Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Excavations)
- Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Itabi)
- Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Bibliography)
- Bibliography of Folklore Study in Japan Database
- A Lexicon of Japanese Folklore Expressions
- Popular Superstition Database Animals and Plants
- Popular Superstition Database Body and Disease
- Database of Materials used for Cultural Properties
- Materials for Research on Japanese American Histories
- Database of Siebold Family Collection
- National Museum of Japanese History Repository
- Sites of Settlements in the Jomon and Yayoi Periods Database

National Institute of Japanese Literature
- Archival Holdings on Japanese History
- Azuma-Kagami
- Eiri Genji Monogatari
- Niju-ichi-dai Shu
- Early Modern Document Information Database (Modern Bibliography and Images)
- Konicki Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books in Europe
- Database of Ancient Writing Fragments
- Archival Location Information Database
- New Naraehon (Nara Picture Book) Database
- Historical Figure Image
- Database of Research Thesis in Japanese Literature
- Early Modern Document Information Database (Publishing and Advertisement of the Meiji period)
- Archival Information Sharing Database
- NIJL Database of Detailed Records about Shrine and Temple
- Renga, Ennou, Gagaku Database
- Integrated Classics Database (Jigekaden and Haga Jinmei Jiten)
- Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books
- Bibliographical Database of Archival Studies in Japan
- Rekishi Monogatari
- Kojiruien Database
- Japan Museum of Business and Industry Collection Database
- Collectors' Seals
- National Institute of Japanese Literature Repository

National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
- Headline Database of Language-Related Newspaper Articles
- NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Books)
- Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects
- Bibliographic Database of Japanese Language Research
- Linguistics Atlas of Japan
- NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Periodicals)
- Transcription of the Tale of Genji manuscript book at the Library of Congress
- Academic Repository of the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
- Summary of NINJAL Research Materials Room Collections
- Catalogue of NINJAL Research Materials Room Collections
- Draft Linguistic Map Catalogue of NINJAL Research Materials Room

International Research Center for Japanese Studies
- Rare Books and Maps on Japan in European Languages
- Noma Archives (Rare European Medical Books)
- Soda Archives: Pictorial and Miscellaneous Materials
- Emakimono (Picture Scrolls)
- Folklore Illustrations
- Chirimen-bon (Crepe-paper Books)
- Nara Ehon in the Library of Congress Collection
- Illustrations of Historic Places in Kyoto
- Tanzaku, or Poems by Noteworthy Kyoto Personages
- Heian Jinbutsu Shi (Who's Who in Old Kyoto)
- Ukiyo-e in the Library of Congress Collection
- Kyoto Festivals and Customs
- Folktales of Strange Phenomena and Yokai (Spirits, Ghosts, Monsters)
- Kinsei kijinden (Prominent Figures of Our Times)
- Haikai
- Renga
- Waka
- Japanese Art Overseas
- Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
- Nichibunken Map Collection
- Nichibunken Open Access

The Research Institute for Humanity and Nature

National Museum of Ethnology
- Artifact Catalog
- Detailed information on artifacts in the Catalog
- Published References to Artifacts in the Museum
- The George Brown Collection (in Japanese)
- The George Brown Collection
- Visual Materials Catalog
- Videotheque
- Performing Arts Film
- Photographs of the Tonga Expedition of Kyoto University (1960)
- Photographs of the Kyoto University African Scientific Expedition (1962 -- 1967)
- Photographs of the Kyoto University Second European Scientific Expedition (1969)
- Morihiro Oki's photographs of India
- Audio Materials Catalog
- Itemized information on audio records in the audio materials Catalog
- Books Catalog
- Periodicals Catalog
- The Kaufman Collection of Old Maps of Africa
- Minpaku Repository
- Umesao Tadao: Written Works (1934 -- )
- The Nakanishi Collection: World Literary Materials
- Japanese Traditional Folktales: The Inada Koji Collection
- Clothing and Accessory Materials
- Publications Concerning Clothing Culture

National Institutes for the Humanities
- Jomon shuraku database
- Jomon shuraku bunken database
- Bakumatsu meiji chizu database
- The Index of articles in "Chunghua educational review"
- The Bibliography of Japanese studies on Wartime China
- Nishi Amane's The Hyakugaku Renkan (Encyclopedia)
- Research on Chinese Environmental Issues
- An Annotated Catalogue of Maududi
- Japanese Transrations and Studies of Modern Middle Eastern Literature
- Statistical Maps of India
- Database for the Comprehensive Study of the Ottoman Civil Code (Mecelle)
- Ato Inga Shu (Photo Albums of East Asia), 1924-1944
- database of the images related to the Islamic archeological sites and architecture in Cairo
- Images of Christian Architecture and Remains in Egypt
- Ajia Taikan (Photo Albums of East Asia), 1924-1940